Milk: Which is best for you?

Milk has been recently brought to my attention as a controversial topic. Although sometimes I want to strangle people when they say something is
"bad for you", I am learning to be patient with people. That scene from Mean Girls goes off in my head... However, people can have their opinions if they want.

I am not going to reveal which milk is best for you, but instead I am going to go over the pros, cons, and nutrition facts of each one.

1. Cows Milk
So we know that the lower the fat percentage, the better choice it is when it comes to regular cows milk. In my household, we currently drink 2%. With two grown men, it'll be difficult to go down any further. But I am okay with this choice because it is a nutrient-dense drink with all your macronutrients and important micronutrients like Calcium and  Vitamin D. Regular milk has 8-10 grams of protein in 1 cup depending on which brand you purchase.  And milk has a little over 110 calories for a cup.
I am aware that there are plenty of people who are lactose intolerant and regular cow's milk is obviously not the choice for you.

2. Almond Milk
 So here's the deal with almond milk... Almond "beverage" I should say actually. Almond beverage is a great choice for a low calorie drink to put in a smoothie or protein shake. However, the reason I stopped drinking almond milk is the protein content. There is 1 gram. An analysis done in the UK on an almond beverage found that there was only a handful of almonds per container.
If you want a low calorie milk for your cereal or protein shakes, and you are not concerned with protein intake, almond milk is the choice for you!

3. Soy Milk
Okay, so soy milk is SUPER controversial. I won't get into all that for the sake of the point of this blog post.  This is also not a "Milk" but rather a "beverage".  I drink soy beverage occasionally with my protein shakes. The protein is as high as cows milk at about 9 grams per cup.  There is less carbohydrates/sugar than cows milk. The calorie range is right in between almond milk and regular milk at about 90-100 calories per cup. However, there is no calcium.

So it seems to me that each kind of "Milk" is missing something...


The Missing Nutrients
Soy Beverage: Calcium 
Almond Beverage: Protein
Cows Milk: Not missing... but Excess saturated fat.

One might argue, well Almond milk has almost as much calcium as regular milk. Well, you are correct. However, after taking food science and multiple other classes on metabolism, cows milk calcium has a better absorption rate. This means that calcium from cows milk is absorbed better in our body than from calcium in almond milk (or any other foods with calcium: leafy greens). 

Calcium is a very important nutrient. It may not seem like it now when you are moving properly and you don't fracture your hip when you bump into a counter, but one day you will. Calcium keeps our bones dense. Nourish your body now while you are healthy, so when you become older, you can still have independence. 

To understand the importance of protein, you can refer back to my protein blog post

Now that you know the difference between 3 popular beverages, please understand the benefits to each.  Every person has a different body. 

P.S. For those that drink rice milk, cashew milk, and other "milks", look at the nutrition facts next time you pour a glass and look out for calcium and protein.

Protein Sour Candy Recipe

This quarter I had a food science course and we had to develop a product that we think should be in the market. Of course my mind went straight to protein... and so did my partner. (We are gym junkies). I thought about protein cereal because I love cereal and there is only one brand I know that has 10 grams per serving. I thought about high protein ice cream, but that would have been an okay idea. Finally we thought of a protein candy. Our target market was obviously going to be individuals that workout regularly and need a protein snack before, during, or after the gym. We even thought this would be a great snack to have during the day to keep muscle protein synthesis stimulated. And so the creating of the Muscle Gummy came to be... with sour liquid BCAA inside!
Over 10 weeks we struggled a bit, slowly overcoming one obstacle after another.  We finally finished our final product this weekend just in time to present tomorrow!

Protein Gummy Recipe


BCAA Liquid: Yields about 50 drops
½ tsp bpi Sports BCAA supplement
¼ cup water
1 tsp tapioca Starch
¼ tsp Citric Acid

Gummy: Yields about 40 Cubes
¼ cup cold water
1 tsp Raspberry syrup
3 packets Knox original Gelatine Unflavored (33g)
¾ cup warm water
1 Tbls Raspberry syrup
1 Scoop Isopure Unflavored Whey Protein Isolate (16g)

Additional Sugar and Citric Acid to coat candies

  1. Add BCAA to Water and mix well,  add tapioca starch and mix well
  2. Heat mixture while stirring constantly until desired consistency
  3. Remove from heat and mix in Citric Acid
  4. Use a measured syringe to form .625 mL droplets on a cookie sheet and then place in freezer immediately for later use

  1. Add ¼ cup water to bowl and add 1 tsp raspberry syrup
  2. Sprinkle gelatin over top to begin forming gel and let sit 1 minute
  3. Heat ¾ cup water and add 1 Tablespoon Raspberry syrup
  4. Pour warm juice mixture over gelatin mixture and mix well
  5. Once mixture has slightly cooled add protein powder and mix well
  6. Pour 7/8th of the  mixture in a shallow 4/6 bread pan and let stand until slightly gelled
  7. Place the rest of the mixture on a hot plate and monitor temperature at >100F to avoid gel formation but below boiling (avoid overheating the goal her is just to prevent gel formation)
  8. Carefully place frozen BCAA in desired locations (use a cookie cutter for your shapes and references)
  9. Pour the remaining warm gelatin mixture over the top to seal the liquid inside.
  10. Place in the Refrigerator immediately, and cut into 4 rows of 10

Upon consumption dip or dust the gummies with 5 to 1 sugar and citric acid mixture  

Note: Video below does not show how to insert liquid BCAA into the gummy base. 

Final Result
Our goal was to create a product with 10 grams of protein per serving. We managed 9 grams, so we are satisfied with our ending product! I could get into all the food science concepts incorporated, such as weeping, spherification, and foaming. All of which we had some problem overcoming.  But I will save that for another day!

Thanks for reading.

Top 3 Ways to Grow

Most of us consider ourselves to be shy.  Well, I was very shy growing up but when I started 7th grade, I knew that would have to change.  I tried to be more outgoing and talkative.  I definitely feel like a changed my personality completely. It wasn't until college that I had to face my greatest fear: public speaking. Public speaking is a VERY common fear. However, with practice, one can overcome anxiety of speaking in front of people. I swore I would never speak in front of people and God was probably laughing. So I have included the Top 3 Ways to overcome any obstacle and grow as a person. This can be applied to any fear or just personal development.

 Fun Fact:

fear of public speaking is considered the number one fear among societies population. It is also considered to be a social anxiety disorder where individuals suffer from performance anxiety. The medical term referring to the fear of public speaking is called “glossophobia.”

1. READ.
There is a lot out there in book form. Any subject you can think of, there is probably at least 2 books on it. Self-help books are my favorite because they help with conflict resolution, self-acceptance, and they are a constant support system. You have a problem with anxiety, there are books on that. You have a problem with being organized, there's a book on that too.

2. Surround yourself intelligent people.
With who you surround yourself with, you become.  This is a well known idea.  That quote that says "You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with" is pretty accurate in my life.  The more negative people I have in my life, the more negative my thoughts and words become. And same goes for when we surround ourselves with positive people. For personal growth, we need to surround ourself with smart individuals instead of idiots.  My pastor once said that you shouldn't listen to your best friend's marriage advice is they have been divorced twice.

3. Get out of the comfort zone.
This is a big one that I neglected for a while.  We don't like being uncomfortable, period.  However, that is the best way to see growth.  The uncomfortable feeling won't last forever, so you just have to get through it.

So that fear of public speaking that I had my whole life... is it still there? Why, yes. But has it diminished significantly? YES. I have put myself in so many situations that I felt so uncomfortable in, but I did grow each time. This last weekend, my sister had her wedding reception and of course, as the maid of honor, I had to give a speech. I wanted it to stand out, but I couldn't think of anything that was original to say. So I decided to do, what I call a "speech song".  I had a great time writing it and practicing it.  Even though I had it memorized enough that it was getting into my subconscious, I still messed up. But I wasn't embarrassed because I did it. I made it up there and faced a great fear of mine. Growth at its finest.

 So I encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.

Duro Wedding - Closer 

I'm a Tree

Just a little assignment I had to do for school. What tree are you?

I’m a Tree

            I’m not too educated in the tree industry so I am not sure what exact tree species I would be. I do know that I would be a tree that changes colors with the seasons because I too change with each season. Summers I am relaxed while during fall I am productive and driven. My leaves might fall off... this relates to me because sometimes I have a falling out. Also known as a mental breakdown. However, as time goes on, my leaves will begin to grow again. I just need the right environment: Sunshine (positive people) and water (good nutrition and health). Also, I would be a tree that never stops growing. Not in the sense of height (I stopped growing in stature in high school), but in the sense of interpersonal growth.
            I've done my research on quite a few trees... I could be a maple tree because they change colors. I'd like to think I was a cool tree like a palm tree or a pine tree, but they are too simple and don't change. One day I hope to become a tree that produces “fruit” for other to enjoy.

Apple Cider Vinegar Myth

My posts usually stem from my mom's questions about fad weight loss diets.  Sometimes it annoys me because how can my own mother fall into this trap?  But if an intelligent woman like her can believe it, that means mostly everyone else out there is falling for it too. 
Today she asked me if drinking apple cider vinegar will help someone lose weight. When I got home, I looked for evidenced based articles, research... anything that is credible. So here I attempt to debunk the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) myth. 

Myth: Apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight.

Actually, in an indirect way, it can. According to one research website, "a proposed mechanism is that it prolongs the sensation of satiety after eating." So basically, drinking ACV makes you feel full for a longer period of time. This will decrease how much you eat, which decreases your calorie intake and therefore you lose weight. 
It is not a easy fix, though, as people are making it seem. You won't drop 10 pounds of body fat because you are drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning. It will probably be a long time before you see results.  People that are "magically" losing fat are probably eating healthier overall. (That's how most fads work). Also, I'm a firm believer on the placebo effect. The brain is a powerful organ that has control over your whole body, including fat. 
The most researched benefits of ACV was the effect of it on blood glucose for people with diabetes mellitus. 
In 2004, a study done by the American Diabetes Foundation found that taking vinegar before meals significantly increased insulin sensitivity and dramatically reduced the insulin and glucose spikes that occur after meals. 
Honestly, there just needs to be more research done on this topic. People will take a regimen and turn it into a "medicine" for everything. Just live a healthy lifestyle and stop trying to look for quick fixes. Exercise and eat a balanced meal plan... before you know it, you'll be losing weight.


Looking for "Clients"

Anyone interested in being a "client" for one of my nutrition counseling projects, please let me know before October 19, 2016.

Positive Eating

Positive Thinking Eating

If I didn’t go into nutrition and dietetics, I would have gone after a positive psychology degree. Positive thinking is an emerging subject.  There is a lot of research supporting positive emotions and increased health. Currently in my summer religion course we are reading God, Faith, and Health by Levin. It is a great read relating positive emotion and faith to good health.

Brief overview of positive thinking 

I have read so many books now about "positive thinking" and "changing your perspective" to realize that the law of attraction is the common denominator. The Law of Attraction is a real law (like gravity) in which what you think/feel is attracted into your physical life. Everything is vibrating. Your laptop, your hands, the walls, the air. Your feelings also give off a frequency. You know the difference between a negative feeling and a positive feeling. Well each emotion gives off a different frequency into the world. By the Law of Attraction, this vibration goes off into the universe and will return one way or another. So that Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would like done unto you" is basically the same thing. What you give off into the world (kindness, love, anger) is what you'll receive back.

Positive Thinking and Diet
About 90% of the people I come in contact with diet or have some sort of food restriction. I don’t know the mindset of that person but having a restrictive relationship with food is not healthy. Extreme restrictive diets are not affective. They might be working in the moment, but not long-term. Most of those 90% crash dieters already know that making it a lifestyle change is more healthful.

I want to encourage a new idea: Positive eating. You can compare this to mindful eating. However, “positive eating” is feeling positive emotions before and after eating. No guilt. No shame. Only love, satisfaction and gratitude. 
This sounds nuts! Like I haven’t heard that one before… Yes it sounds crazy to be grateful and feel love for the food you eat but those who pray and bless food before meal times are doing a similar thing. After eating a meal or snack, you should feel reenergized! 

Positive Eating Challenge
This is a 30 days challenge. 

DAY 1-10: The first 10 days are simple. Be grateful before and after eating each meal. You can bless your food, pray, whatever you feel is comfortable. For example: "I am so grateful for this food because it is going to nourish my body and increase my health!" You can give thanks in your head or out loud. Get you spouse, family, and friends to join you!

DAY 11-20: Try mindful eating. This includes not rushing! With each bite, savor the flavor and "experience" the food. This exercise will come in handy when you are craving something sweet. After a few bites of eating something sweet, our taste buds get used to the flavor. So the first couple bites should really be enjoyed and perhaps that will be all you need. 

DAY 21-30: Guilt-free meals! If you want to eat a donut, do it! Having a treat every once in a while is totally fine. Restriction is what causes binging and weight gain. When you eat a cookie and think "I'm going to gain weight from eating this", you probably are due to the Law of Attraction. Don't feel any guilt when treating yourself. 

Gratitude is the first step into feeling happier. 
And it is the first step in having a good relationship with food. Be grateful! 

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Fitness people are all about protein. Period. But how much is too much? How much is too little? We'll talk about that shortly. First, let's talk about research! Yay. Credibility is everything (especially when it comes to nutrition). This summer I was introduced to a webinar about protein. The man speaking (Unfortunately, I forgot his name... I have short-term memory loss) broke down the process of when we eat protein or fast how muscle protein synthesis is affected. Muscle protein synthesis in lay person terms means your muscle is growing. We want our muscle growing all the time! So how do we stimulate this "muscle protein synthesis"?  Here is where those gym protein junkies will agree with me. Eating 20 grams of protein every couple hours will simulate muscle protein synthesis. After about 3 hours of eating your body will go into muscle protein breakdown. For example, if you had breakfast at 8am, and didn't eat your next meal until 1pm, that's a 5 hour fast. Breaking any fast at the 2 hour mark will be beneficial to those trying to sustain/gain muscle.
In the webinar, Mr. Protein (for lack of a real name), presented a study on which protein is the best. Whey, Casein, Pea, Soy? Well according to multiple studies, for stimulating muscle protein synthesis, the answer is Whey!

So how much protein should you have? I have met too many people this summer (all were male) that consumed WAY too much protein. To calculate protein you use kilograms not pounds.
"So, what happens if I have too much protein?" Well, the excess protein will be converted into fat. So those that are trying to cut with a HIGH protein diet might need to recalculate grams of protein per day.

The Secret Formula
You guys are in for a treat. I am giving you the formula! First convert your weight from pounds to kilograms. (Divide pounds by 2.2)
Next depending on your type of workout, multiply by one of these factors:
Endurance (running, swimming): 1.2
Sports: 1.6
Weight Training: 1.6-1.8

Not into working out but you are over 40? Use multiply your weight in kg by 1.2.

The number you end up with is how much protein you should consume per day.

For example, I am 110 pounds or 50 kilograms. I workout 6 times a week so I'm going to use the 1.8 factor (I'm trying to gain muscle). That comes out to 90 grams of protein AT LEAST per day to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

How do I get that much protein?
Well protein shakes aren't a bad idea, I drink one after my workouts. I have been interning at MVUSD and I became inspired by a product they have: a power/energy box. I decided I would try to create my own "Protein Box".

Contained in this snack bag is 70 grams of protein and a bunch of goodies! 

"Well there is a lot of carbs and calories in there." Sure but I need them for energy. I tend to plateau my weight at 110 but as soon as I really focus on getting 90-100 grams of protein a day, the extra couple pounds fall off. 

So go ahead and try increasing your protein intake for a week and see how you feel. And for those that are already eating enough protein, keep at it!

Why You SHOULD Eat Gluten

WARNING:  I am NOT talking to those with Celiac Disease. This is a real autoimmune disorder in which consuming gluten leads to damage of the small intestine. 

My husband told me to watch an episode of South Park with him a few days ago. I am not a fan of this show at all so I refused. But then he told me it was about the gluten-free fad. What a coincidence I said, that is my topic for my blog this week… so I agreed to watch it. The episode depicted how dramatic people are about gluten. It was humorous, but totally fiction.

What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein in wheat, barley and rye. Oats can also be considered as "gluten" because of the  cross-contaminatation with these other sources.

It’s Not Fair 
I was always skeptical of the customers that claimed that they CANNOT HAVE GLUTEN when I was a manager at Chick-fil-A. My sister-in-law who currently works at a restaurant mentioned that people ask for certain vodka brands because they are "gluten-free". Well, I'd like to say that all vodka is gluten free unless it's flavored. So don't be that person at dinner that asked for a gluten-free dish and then chugs a beer (Beer is made from barley and sometimes wheat). We all know you don't have Celiac Disease. Less than 1% of the US population have Celiac Disease.  This craze about going gluten free is not fair to those who actually have a serious condition. Imagine how they feel asking about gluten-free items on the menu at a restaurant. They know that the waiters think it’s just another crazy diet person or someone asking for attention.

But what if I’m Gluten Intolerant?
 The symptoms of eating gluten are much milder than those with Celiac. Sharp stomach pain is a lot different than slight discomfort. That discomfort might just be all in your head. Those that are really gluten intolerant, I hate to break it to you, but that is most likely due to the carbohydrate (not protein) in wheat and other FODMAPs.

Below, I have included a picture comparing nutrition labels of a whole grain bread and a gluten-free bread. 

5 Reason why you should eat gluten:

1.    Less calories
2.    Less sugar
3.    More protein
4.    Less sodium
5.    More vitamins and minerals

Whole Grains Rock!
Whole grains have been found to reduce many chronic diseases. Just 3 servings a day! Studies have also found that as little as one serving a day can reduce risks.
Along with the common benefits (decrease in blood pressure, decreased risk for stroke, decreased risk for type 2 diabetes etc.), it also includes better weight maintenance. What?... Carbs won’t make you gain weight?... Yes, you are allowed (supposed) to eat carbohydrate-rich foods like whole grain bread and brown rice. Keep in mind that the source of carbs should be considered. Fruit is a carb but a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Sugar is also a carb but a less beneficial source. The gluten free products do NOT have the same nutrients as whole wheat products. 

Now I’m wondering, who started this gluten free fad?

As I continued my research on who started this fad, it was no surprise when I found out that celebrities were the first to announce this diet. Also, in the past 5 years, many books have been published regarding gluten and whole wheat as “poison”. So it’s just like any other fad diet out there. Examples of some current fad diets include: Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, and Carb-cycling.
To sum it up, just be aware of the fad diets out there and do your own research before jumping straight in. 

The whole grain bread I used added and extra 10 grams of protein to my veggie sandwich. 

A balanced diet is the best diet you'll ever go on (and probably the one you'll actually stick with).

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!