How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Fitness people are all about protein. Period. But how much is too much? How much is too little? We'll talk about that shortly. First, let's talk about research! Yay. Credibility is everything (especially when it comes to nutrition). This summer I was introduced to a webinar about protein. The man speaking (Unfortunately, I forgot his name... I have short-term memory loss) broke down the process of when we eat protein or fast how muscle protein synthesis is affected. Muscle protein synthesis in lay person terms means your muscle is growing. We want our muscle growing all the time! So how do we stimulate this "muscle protein synthesis"?  Here is where those gym protein junkies will agree with me. Eating 20 grams of protein every couple hours will simulate muscle protein synthesis. After about 3 hours of eating your body will go into muscle protein breakdown. For example, if you had breakfast at 8am, and didn't eat your next meal until 1pm, that's a 5 hour fast. Breaking any fast at the 2 hour mark will be beneficial to those trying to sustain/gain muscle.
In the webinar, Mr. Protein (for lack of a real name), presented a study on which protein is the best. Whey, Casein, Pea, Soy? Well according to multiple studies, for stimulating muscle protein synthesis, the answer is Whey!

So how much protein should you have? I have met too many people this summer (all were male) that consumed WAY too much protein. To calculate protein you use kilograms not pounds.
"So, what happens if I have too much protein?" Well, the excess protein will be converted into fat. So those that are trying to cut with a HIGH protein diet might need to recalculate grams of protein per day.

The Secret Formula
You guys are in for a treat. I am giving you the formula! First convert your weight from pounds to kilograms. (Divide pounds by 2.2)
Next depending on your type of workout, multiply by one of these factors:
Endurance (running, swimming): 1.2
Sports: 1.6
Weight Training: 1.6-1.8

Not into working out but you are over 40? Use multiply your weight in kg by 1.2.

The number you end up with is how much protein you should consume per day.

For example, I am 110 pounds or 50 kilograms. I workout 6 times a week so I'm going to use the 1.8 factor (I'm trying to gain muscle). That comes out to 90 grams of protein AT LEAST per day to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

How do I get that much protein?
Well protein shakes aren't a bad idea, I drink one after my workouts. I have been interning at MVUSD and I became inspired by a product they have: a power/energy box. I decided I would try to create my own "Protein Box".

Contained in this snack bag is 70 grams of protein and a bunch of goodies! 

"Well there is a lot of carbs and calories in there." Sure but I need them for energy. I tend to plateau my weight at 110 but as soon as I really focus on getting 90-100 grams of protein a day, the extra couple pounds fall off. 

So go ahead and try increasing your protein intake for a week and see how you feel. And for those that are already eating enough protein, keep at it!

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