New Nutrition Label

I was so excited to hear from my professors that the nutrition label was changing and the FDA finally posted a picture of it!

Changes to the label:

1. Servings per container is the first thing you read.
Many people didn't notice that there was 4 servings in that pint of Ben and Jerry's they just ate.
2. Serving size has larger font and is bolded. 
This might motivate more people to measure when cooking. This goes together with the servings per container.
3. Calories is HUGE! Easy to read for everyone to pay attention to. It will be especially helpful for my mom because her eyesight is diminishing.
4. Grams of added sugars and percent daily value. (FINALLY) If you have ever seen Fed Up or That Sugar Film, you will truly appreciate this addition. This is definitely my favorite part of the new nutrition label.
5. Vitamins and Minerals are different and include mcg or mg. Vitamin D and potassium have replaced vitamin A  and C. Also, you can compare the mcg/mg to what is adequate for you individually.  For example, a woman over 19 years old needs about 17mg of iron. On the label, you can count the 8mg instead of using the percent daily value.

I hope everyone likes the new changes and utilizes them, especially the added sugars section. If you are interested in learning more about sugar and the effect on your body, I recommend watching:
1. That Sugar Film  2. Fed Up (I believe it is on Netflix)

Nutrition Dietetic Student,
Tatiana Keay 
May 25, 2016


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