10 Days Without Social Media

I had about 15 days between taking my RD exam and my birthday. After passing the national exam, I was free from studying every hour I could in the day. All my stress melted away. I was finally a registered dietitian... my first big goal in life that I have accomplished.

With that being said, I needed to figure out what I was going to do next. What was my next goal? Did I even have a clear goal in mind? I decided I would take the time between passing my exam and school starting to reflect on my life and get it straight.

There are some things that could be considered as obstacles in finding this clarity I deeply needed to find. Social media was the main one. I waste SO much time on social media. Time in which I could be productive. I could learn so much in the hours I have spent staring at NOTHING on my phone. I gain nothing from looking at peoples instagrams. Perhaps I'll get a laugh every once in a while from a funny cat video or Game of Thrones meme, but overall, my time is wasted. I had to get rid of this nonsense and instead of deleting it completely, I decided to go on a social media cleanse. After one last scroll through the wasteland and with the support of my best friend, I deleted my Instagram and Facebook app at Panera Bread.

What happened on my 10 day social media cleanse?

Day 1


I had so much time to do whatever I wanted! I didn't have to study for my exam anymore, so I could go workout whenever I wanted. I started reading the book, "Power of Praying Wife" and started a program my husband bought for me called the Self-authoring program. Smoothly enough, the self-authoring program started with prompts about the future. I had to sort through my wants and what goals were most important in my life and how I was going to measure, overcome obstacles, and how I would know I was accomplishing my goal.


I realized that my main goals in life have don't have much to do with success, but rather becoming the best person I can be. A human being that inspire others to be better. I want to be the best wife to my husband, the best mother to my future kids, the best friend to people around me.

Day 5


Life is so beautiful. I go outside on walks with my dog more. I spend more time with my husband, doing what he wants to do, granted, but it is still quality time. I don't feel like any minute is wasted. I feel like I am really improving and have more clarity about what I really want in life.


I sleep a lot more. I'm not sure why this is occurring.  Maybe the lack of light coming from my phone before I am about to sleep.

Day 7


People opinions don't matter. On social media you can portray yourself however you want to. You can look like the "party girl" or "Godly Christian", but only YOU know who you really are. Sometimes I feel sad because I did something wrong, or said something negative. And I feel embarrassed. But then I think about it more... I have come so far. One mistake is okay because no one is perfect. What matters is that you recognize the mistake and correct it. Only I know my journey, how far I have come. I know my worth and nothing on social media can tear that down. 

Day 10 

Checking Emails 

I am really good at checking my email. I know it is silly, but I usually forget about my emails when I am on social media. Thank God I was checking my emails everyday because I ended up getting an email from a registered dietitian about a job offer! Also, checking and replying to emails punctually is needed in the professional world. 

After all this... I wonder how much more productive I would be if a completely deleted social media or limited myself to 20 minutes a day. What would happen in YOUR life if you gave up social media for 10 days?

The Challenge: Social Media Cleanse

1. Delete social media apps. You don't have to completely delete your account, just remove the apps from your phone so you aren't tempted when you're bored. 

2. Make a list of things you would like to do with your leisure time. Most of us spend our free time on our phones. What else can you be doing? What do you like to do? What makes your happy?

3. Be aware of what's happening. Notice the world! We overlook so many good things that happen in our day. 

4. After 10 days, reflect. Check in with your mental health. Are you feeling better? I hope so!

Your friend,
Tatiana Keay, RD, CPT

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