Top 3 Ways to Grow

Most of us consider ourselves to be shy.  Well, I was very shy growing up but when I started 7th grade, I knew that would have to change.  I tried to be more outgoing and talkative.  I definitely feel like a changed my personality completely. It wasn't until college that I had to face my greatest fear: public speaking. Public speaking is a VERY common fear. However, with practice, one can overcome anxiety of speaking in front of people. I swore I would never speak in front of people and God was probably laughing. So I have included the Top 3 Ways to overcome any obstacle and grow as a person. This can be applied to any fear or just personal development.

 Fun Fact:

fear of public speaking is considered the number one fear among societies population. It is also considered to be a social anxiety disorder where individuals suffer from performance anxiety. The medical term referring to the fear of public speaking is called “glossophobia.”

1. READ.
There is a lot out there in book form. Any subject you can think of, there is probably at least 2 books on it. Self-help books are my favorite because they help with conflict resolution, self-acceptance, and they are a constant support system. You have a problem with anxiety, there are books on that. You have a problem with being organized, there's a book on that too.

2. Surround yourself intelligent people.
With who you surround yourself with, you become.  This is a well known idea.  That quote that says "You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with" is pretty accurate in my life.  The more negative people I have in my life, the more negative my thoughts and words become. And same goes for when we surround ourselves with positive people. For personal growth, we need to surround ourself with smart individuals instead of idiots.  My pastor once said that you shouldn't listen to your best friend's marriage advice is they have been divorced twice.

3. Get out of the comfort zone.
This is a big one that I neglected for a while.  We don't like being uncomfortable, period.  However, that is the best way to see growth.  The uncomfortable feeling won't last forever, so you just have to get through it.

So that fear of public speaking that I had my whole life... is it still there? Why, yes. But has it diminished significantly? YES. I have put myself in so many situations that I felt so uncomfortable in, but I did grow each time. This last weekend, my sister had her wedding reception and of course, as the maid of honor, I had to give a speech. I wanted it to stand out, but I couldn't think of anything that was original to say. So I decided to do, what I call a "speech song".  I had a great time writing it and practicing it.  Even though I had it memorized enough that it was getting into my subconscious, I still messed up. But I wasn't embarrassed because I did it. I made it up there and faced a great fear of mine. Growth at its finest.

 So I encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.

Duro Wedding - Closer 

I'm a Tree

Just a little assignment I had to do for school. What tree are you?

I’m a Tree

            I’m not too educated in the tree industry so I am not sure what exact tree species I would be. I do know that I would be a tree that changes colors with the seasons because I too change with each season. Summers I am relaxed while during fall I am productive and driven. My leaves might fall off... this relates to me because sometimes I have a falling out. Also known as a mental breakdown. However, as time goes on, my leaves will begin to grow again. I just need the right environment: Sunshine (positive people) and water (good nutrition and health). Also, I would be a tree that never stops growing. Not in the sense of height (I stopped growing in stature in high school), but in the sense of interpersonal growth.
            I've done my research on quite a few trees... I could be a maple tree because they change colors. I'd like to think I was a cool tree like a palm tree or a pine tree, but they are too simple and don't change. One day I hope to become a tree that produces “fruit” for other to enjoy.

Apple Cider Vinegar Myth

My posts usually stem from my mom's questions about fad weight loss diets.  Sometimes it annoys me because how can my own mother fall into this trap?  But if an intelligent woman like her can believe it, that means mostly everyone else out there is falling for it too. 
Today she asked me if drinking apple cider vinegar will help someone lose weight. When I got home, I looked for evidenced based articles, research... anything that is credible. So here I attempt to debunk the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) myth. 

Myth: Apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight.

Actually, in an indirect way, it can. According to one research website, "a proposed mechanism is that it prolongs the sensation of satiety after eating." So basically, drinking ACV makes you feel full for a longer period of time. This will decrease how much you eat, which decreases your calorie intake and therefore you lose weight. 
It is not a easy fix, though, as people are making it seem. You won't drop 10 pounds of body fat because you are drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning. It will probably be a long time before you see results.  People that are "magically" losing fat are probably eating healthier overall. (That's how most fads work). Also, I'm a firm believer on the placebo effect. The brain is a powerful organ that has control over your whole body, including fat. 
The most researched benefits of ACV was the effect of it on blood glucose for people with diabetes mellitus. 
In 2004, a study done by the American Diabetes Foundation found that taking vinegar before meals significantly increased insulin sensitivity and dramatically reduced the insulin and glucose spikes that occur after meals. 
Honestly, there just needs to be more research done on this topic. People will take a regimen and turn it into a "medicine" for everything. Just live a healthy lifestyle and stop trying to look for quick fixes. Exercise and eat a balanced meal plan... before you know it, you'll be losing weight.
